Momentum Aeronautics Celebrates 2-year Anniversary With Gift to Aviation Youth Program
Momentum’s donation supports the Youth Initiative Aviation Academy
Momentum is celebrating its two year anniversary with a $1000 donation to the Youth Initiative Aviation Academy (YIAA) located in St. Paul, MN.
“The YIAA provides mentorship and educational opportunities to youth from the most challenged parts of our society,” said Kyle Taylor, Chief Engineer. “On multiple occasions I have walked into a terminal or FBO at many of our local airports on a fuel stop to find Ms. Mamie Singleton, founder of the YIAA, hunched over a table with young men and women from our community. Mamie’s team provides a valuable mentorship and educational program to help nourish their seed of aviation interest. As soon as she spots me at the FBO, I will be immediately harangued into talking about all manner of aircraft topics and giving a tour of our company’s Cessna 210. The zeal she shows for kids involved in this program and the potential benefits it brings to their lives is tangible and impressive. Her program was recently recognized by our state congressional delegation as a model for other youth initiative programs. Donating to the YIAA seemed like a fitting way to give back to an aviation community that has allowed us to succeed and thrive in our first two years of business. If you happen to be in the St. Paul area and run into Mamie at the FBO with a bunch of kids, be sure to stop by to say hello – we are certain that you will be as inspired as we are.”
“Our donation marks the beginning of an effort to give back to the aviation community for years to come, and for making philanthropy a part of our company culture.” said Dan Garrett, Managing Partner. “Time spent during the holidays with friends and family reminds us how thankful we are for the contributions of our fantastic engineering team and for the patronage of our dedicated client base. We would like to wish all of them a Happy Holiday season. “