Pilatus PC-7 wheel and brake installation STC

Flight Test DER Mark Anderson taxis out for a test sortie
Momentum recently completed an aircraft Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) project for Parker Hannifin Corp. Aircraft Wheel and Brake Division through the FAA Chicago Aircraft Certification Office (ACO). STC number SA04264CH approves the installation of Parker wheels and brakes on Pilatus PC-7 aircraft.
The project included all necessary engineering, airworthiness, testing, and FAA coordination services necessary to obtain the STC for installation of the wheel and brake assembly. The FAA Chicago ACO Systems Section issued the approval. The project included a full experimental flight test program with airworthiness support.
“We are proud to provide Parker Hannifin with a finished deliverable, and we would like to thank the Chicago ACO for their prompt assistance during the STC program,” said Dan Garrett, Managing Partner. “Parker has a very good wheel and brake product for this aircraft. We greatly enjoy doing our part to marry reliable and cost effective products with practical solutions in the field. Landing gear modification is one of our specialties. This STC program showcased our ability, once again, to take a landing gear modification project effectively from idea to first sale.”

Structures DER Dan Garrett readies the PC-7 for another test flight in the Arizona desert